Cristina Valdés Rodríguez graduated in English Philology at the University of Oviedo in 1993 and received a scholarship to fund her PhD in 1994 (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science). She completed her thesis in 1999 (La traducción de la publicidad como acto de comunicación intercultural), which was awarded with the distinction to the best PhD thesis in 2000. She has been a Senior lecturer in English since 2002 and has held different academic positions at the University of Oviedo. Besides, from 2015 to 2019 she occupied the position of Director General of Universities and Research of the Principality of Asturias. She has taken part in evaluation programmes of universities since 2004.
Her research interests include the translation of advertising materials, website translation/localization, audiovisual translation, intercultural communication and the reception of the translations of Don Quixote. She has participated in several European and national
projects on intercultural communication, language learning, the multilingual web, screen translation, Don Quixote and cosmopolitanism.
She has published widely in these areas (book chapters, articles), including the book La traducción publicitaria: comunicación y cultura (2004) and the co-edited special issue Key Debates in the Translation of Advertising Material (The Translator 10.2). She has been invited to contribute to translation handbooks and encyclopedias (Handbook of Translation Studies, The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Pragmatics), has been peer reviewer for and part of the scientific committee of specialized academic journals and has been invited to lecture at several universities. She regularly presents papers in international and national conferences, seminars and courses on translation studies, language teaching, cervantism and cultural studies.
Her supervision experience includes a range of BA thesis and a PhD thesis on the localization of university websites. She has acquired experience in evaluation programs and processes of university quality and acted as external examiner for the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (Qatar) and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
She is the coordinator of the University of Oviedo research group TradDisc (Traducción y Análisis del Discurso), http://traddisc.grupos.uniovi.es/.
Regarding international mobility, she is responsible for several student exchange programs within the Erasmus framework with universities in the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France. She also has professional experience as translator and interpreter and she is a full member of the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana (Academy of the Asturian Language).
Valdés, Cristina y Adrián Fuentes-Luque. 2020. “Selling our souls for a laugh: translated humour in advertising.” En Humour Translation in the Age of Multimedia, Margherita Dore (ed.), 76-93. London; New York: Routledge.
Valdés, Cristina. 2019. “Advertising Translation and Pragmatics.” En The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Pragmatics, Rebecca Tipton y Louisa Desilla (eds.), 171-190. Routledge.
———. 2016. “Globalisation and localisation in advertising translation: a love-hate relationship?.” Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos vol. 2, n. 22: 130-153.
———. 2015. “The MultilingualWeb (MLW) project: A collaborative approach and a challenge for Translation Studies.” En Audiovisual Translation in a Global Context. An ever-changing landscape, Jorge Díaz-Cintas y Rocío Baños (eds.), 149-160. Londres: Palgrave Macmillan.
Valdés, Cristina, James Wilkinson, Nicolas Sola, y Marianne van Vlierden. 2010. «A model for Developing Intercultural Competence: An Integrated Approach.» En Locating Intercultures: Education for Global Collaboration, Mara Alagic, Glyn Rimmington, Fuchang Liu, Kay Gibson (Eds.), 34-50. New Delhi: MacMillan Publishers Ltd.
Valdés, Cristina. 2008. «Creativity in advertising translation.» Quaderns de Filología. Estudis Literaris, Volumen especial XIII: 37-56.
Valdés, Cristina y Adrián Fuentes-Luque. 2008. “Coherence in Translated Television Commercials.” EJES. European Journal of English Studies Vol 12 (2): 133-148.
Petkevičiūtė, Nijole y Cristina Valdés. 2007. “Women career Development through Intercultural Competence.” En Management Horizons. Visions and Challenges, 235-246. Kaunas: European Management Association.
Adab Beverly & Cristina Valdés (eds.). 2004. Key Debates in the Translation of Advertising Material. The Translator Vol. 10, No. 2: Special Issue. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.
Valdés, Cristina. 2004. La traducción publicitaria: comunicación y cultura. València: Universitat de València.